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Enable rendering of visual functions.


Black stroke of all visual functions.


Draw the scope in the center of the screen.

Local pos

Show your coordinates in the game world.

Setting visual features for characters


Enable rendering of visual features for characters.

Head dot

Show a small dot on the character’s head.

Visible only

Visual features will only work on visible characters.


Show character position.

Border - regular rectangle.
Corner - only corners from the rectangle.
3DBox - three-dimensional squares.


Show character name.


Show only characters connected to the server.


Show sleeping characters.


Show the amount of health a character has

Text - plain text.
Bar - in the form of a colored strip.


Show character body bones.


Show current weapon in character’s hands.


Show distance to character.


The range in which all characters will be displayed.

Value: 0 to 1000. Measured in meters.

Setting visual features for animals


Enable rendering of visual functions for animals.


Show distance to animal.


The range in which all animals will be displayed.

Value: 0 to 1000. Measured in meters.


Type of animal to display.

If several animal species are selected, then all animal species that are selected in the list will be displayed.


Show corpses of selected animals and characters.

Setting visual features for resources


Enable rendering of visual functions for resources.


Show distance to resource.


The range in which all resources will be displayed.

Value: 0 to 1000. Measured in meters.


Type of resource to display.

If several resource types are selected, then all resource types that are selected in the list will be displayed.


Show resource type above its name.


Enable rendering of in-game radar.


Enable background rendering of the in-game radar.

Background alpha

The transparency of the background of the in-game radar.

Value: 0 to 255. The lower the value, the more transparent the background of the radar.

Position X

The position of the in-game radar on the screen along the abscissa.

Value: 0 to 10000. Measured in pixels.

Position Y

The position of the in-game radar on the screen along the ordinate axis.

Value: 0 to 10000. Measured in pixels.


Target capture range for in-game radar.

Value: 0 to 20. The higher the value, the more targets will be affected by the radar.


The size of the in-game radar.

Value: 0 to 5000. Measured in pixels.


In-game radar transparency.

Value: 0 to 255. The lower the value, the more transparent the radar.


Objects to display on the in-game radar.

If several objects are selected, then all selected objects will be displayed.

Reload key

The button, when clicked, the settings will be reloaded.

Panic key

The button, when clicked, the cheat will be disabled.

Freecam key

The button, when pressed, turns on / off the free camera mode.


Font text in visual functions.

Head dot

The color that the dot on the character’s head will be painted ..

Player box visible

The color in which the visual squares of the visible characters will be painted.

Player box hide

The color in which the visual squares of the invisible characters will be painted.

Animal name

The color in which the name of the animal will be painted.

Resource name

The color in which the name of the resource will be painted.


The color in which the scope will be painted.


The color in which the bones of the character’s body will be painted.

Radar background

The color in which the background of the in-game radar will be painted.

Radar players

The color in which the players on the in-game radar will be painted.

Radar animals

The color in which the animals will be painted on the in-game radar.

Radar resources

The color in which the resources will be painted on the in-game radar.

Toggle players key

The button, when pressed, the visual display of the players will switch the operation mode (turn on / off).

Toggle animals key

The button, when pressed, the visual display of animals will switch the operation mode (turn on / off).

Toggle resources key

The button, when clicked on, the visual display of resources will switch the operation mode (turn on / off).

Toggle radar key

The button, when pressed, Radar will switch the operation mode (turn on / off).